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The Power of 7 - Did Donna Karan hold the key to cutting our clothing consumption?

When the American fashion designer created her first standalone collection in 1985, and named it Seven Easy Pieces, did she realise it was the first step towards sustainability in fashion? Her concept may have been born out of the need for speed & convenience....but the notion that all a woman really needs to complete her wardrobe is a core collection of versatile basics that she can seamlessly style together, is the foundation for a more sustainable way to work with our wardrobe.

The seven easy pieces have evolved over the years, switching between a white shirt, cashmere jumper, loosely tailored trousers and a versatile skirt. With the additions of a classic little black dress, evening gown & a leather jacket for occasionwear and party looks. Accessorised by an all-important large scarf that can be worn in many ways to update a look. What was at the core of the fashion formula? A black bodysuit, which is firmly back in the stylist's spotlight today and all over social media.

Fast forward to today and sustainability champions of the fashion world are taking inspiration from Donna Karan's concept. Enter Tiffanie Darke, former fashion editor, and her #RuleOfFiveCampaign. Her campaign invites people to commit to buying only 5 new items of clothing a year. Plus a bonus of 4 second-hand, preloved purchases too. The aim is to hold herself accountable as a consumer and encourage us to do the same for the sake of the planet and future generations.

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